• Can also be done remotely via Zoom

    Private Photo Workshops in Prague

    THREE is a magic number. Focus on learning by doing, in a friendly and private atmosphere, at a cozy and fully equipped, versatile and spacious photo location, with only THREE people on set - you, a nude model, and a mentor of photography, lighting and editing. No messy jungle of other participants like on all the group events - you are the only one taking photos here. You bring home timeless photos and priceless hands-on experience from various sets we'll create and light together. All tailor-made to your unique needs on your individual photographic journey. Here at Prague Boudoir we've got well over a decade of knowledge in posing, lighting, styling, shooting, editing, publishing and model booking to share with you! Whether you're only just contemplating if photography is for you (we have a camera for you to use) or you're a beginner or a hobby photographer, and even those more experienced of you, we're passionate about all things photography and want to pass on the experience and skills, tips and tricks, inspire and create here in a safe, private, comfortable setting of our Prague photo studio. Come join us for a private masterclass!

    Book now for an unbeatable price
    Private Photo Workshops in Prague

Two Free Gifts for a Limited Time

72€ value

My print calendar as a free gift for your first private workshop here.
Join us a second time and get my Muses print calendar as a free gift.

What You Will Learn

  • communication with a model
  • to navigate the camera and strobes settings
  • to make less mistakes (in composition, lighting etc.), especially those that are difficult or impossible to fix in postprocessing
  • building and styling a photo set, so that your photos stand out
  • to not be afraid to experiment and be creative
  • working with available natural light
  • flash photography, to work with strobes when the lighting situation or your creative idea requires it
  • to train your eye for detail (if Nikola was a comix superhero, this would be her superpower:)
  • independence and confidence and practice, to be able to shoot on your own, gain better muscle memory with your camera and know the menus and settings and technical stuff and lighting better than just from watching tutorials
  • additionaly, we’re here to help you with post-processing, either give you a head start if you’re new to it or improve your current skills, help you find your editing style and optimize your workflow so that you’re using current technology and techniques, same goes for camera gear or lighting equipment and everything photography related.

Meet the Team

  • Nikola will be your model, muse and make-up artist
  • Vaclav is shooting content for clients around the world with an emphasis on tasteful nude and glamour genres and he’ll be your assistant and mentor throughout the workshops
  • you can ask anything from make-up to posing to lighting and model releases and copyrights and postprocessing and everything photography, really, there’s no such thing as a dumb question, you’re here to learn
  • we’re here to pass as much knowledge and experience to you from our 10+ years of model shoots all around the world and hundreds of clients
  • everything you’ll learn here will be demonstrated and not only talked about, practice makes perfect and you’ll be shooting here with a model and with a camera in your hand instead of just theory and watching tutorials
  • while full time professionals and this being a completely equipped photo studio, our home still maintains a friendly, laid-back, cozy vibe so you’ll feel comfortable as you’re learning all the new information and skills
  • when we work with nudity, it’s tasteful, natural, sensual and builds on the models’ strengths and the concept of timeless beauty. We’re not going to show or teach you how to create edgy, controversial, rude, vulgar or explicit stuff

At Your Fingertips

Where the Magic Happens

Workshop Just for You

  • you’re always the only participant here and the content of each workshop is tailored to your needs and requests
  • we do workshops in two, three or four hour blocks – our experience is that any shorter timeframe doesn’t allow us to go into enough detail and you won’t get the hands-on shooting experience while anything longer runs a risk of having less focus and energy
  • we always make a great effort to build at least three different sets and lighting setups and keep the flow of learning and use your precious time in the most efficient way
  • we cater to all levels: complete beginners, hobbyists as well as advanced photographers


Two hours
1792 hours
Three hours
2593 hours
3294 hours
  • Just a little over 80€ hourly in Prague for a complete in-house package: nude model, assistant/coach/mentor, rich and fully equipped photo location, great light, free parking, snacks... all that in a private and tailor-made workshop only for you, not a group event for multiple participants.

Just a Few More Details

  • we value greatly that most of our participants choose our private workshops on a repeat basis, to learn more, to further practice the techniques and get more information and a variety of photos to build or expand their portfolio
  • to secure the date and time, 50% deposit is required

Let's Pencil it in!

Hi, I'm Nikola. Pleased to meet you!
Please select your preferred private workshop length.
The embedded calendar widget above is NOT interactive, PLEASE TYPE IN HERE your preferred date and time (or dates and times)
Try to describe what you'd like to learn or improve. I'd love to know more so I can prepare and tailor the workshop to best suit your requests.